Marking Bollards and Light Post Bases with Reflective Tape

When restriping or sealcoating a parking lot you will often be asked to freshen up light pole bases and bollards.  (bollard are poles that protect other objects like buildings)

As a part of painting these items it is normally a good idea to apply a band of reflective tape around the circumference so that vehicles can see and avoid them.

Because bollards are fairly large in diameter, any reflective tape will wrap around them.  The choice would be how bright of a tape  you need and how much you want to spend.

Standard flexible engineer grade tape is inexpensive and easy to apply.  It is very pliable and will conform very well.  A 1 inch – 6 inch roll is normally plenty wide.  Type 1 engineer grade is good for applications where the viewer is within 300 feet of the bollard.

Prismatic reflective tapes such as an Oralite V82 or V92 will also work well and are much brighter.  They are thin and will wrap well around a radius.  You would use a brighter tape like one of these for applications where the viewer needs to see the tape a thousand feet out versus a few hundred feet.  

For applications that require a lot of conformability, a flexible high intensity tape is best.  These tapes are in between an engineer grade and a prismatic tape in brightness.  Good out to say 500 feet.

– Where to Find Parking Lot / Traffic Striping Paint

– Where to Find Parking Lot / Traffic Striping Paint

Once you have your machine assembled and ready to use you are going to need some paint.  For striping parking lots, warehouses or roads we recommend using traffic paint.  There are several types of traffic paint.  We recommend either waterborne acrylic or solvent/oil based traffic paint.  Both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Water based paints clean up very easily with water.  They are easy to find and easy to thin and mix.  Under normal conditions they dry very quickly.  Normally in around 10 – 15 minutes.  At night or on a cloudy day the dry time will increase.  They are recommended over solvent based paints when spraying over sealcoat or fresh asphalt as the chemicals generally will not bleed through the paint.  The only disadvantage is the dry time.  It can be a little long at night or in moist conditions.  Adding alcohol to the paint will shorten this time.

Oil or Solvent based traffic paint generally dries very quickly.  It must be thinned either with a solvent or mineral spirits.  The machine would also need to be cleaned with a solvent or mineral spirits.  Getting rid of the solvent or mineral spirits after cleaning may present a problem.  Unlike water, it is unlawful to just pour it onto the ground.  Also, since solvent or oil based paints dry so quickly you have to constantly clean the machines spray tip so the paint does not dry on it.  These types of paint are not recommended to be used on sealcoat or fresh asphalt as bleed through often occurs.  In other words your white or yellow lines can turn brown.

Overall I highly recommend waterborne or  water based acrylic traffic paint.

You can find traffic paint at Sherwin Williams or a Home Improvement store.  However, you will pay a premium price.  To get a good deal on paint go to an independent paint store and look for traffic paint.  When you find it look on the bucket for the manufacturer.  They are normally fairly close and will almost always sell to you directly or point you to a distributor.  You can save from $5 to $10 dollars per gallon getting paint this way.

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– Best Ways to Stripe a Factory Cement or Concrete Floor – Striping How To Guide

Lines on factory floors serve several purposes.  Lines let people and machinery know where to go and where not to go. They designate where inventory and raw materials belong.  They guide you to safety in the event of an emergency.  And most of all, lines keep people safe.  The liability to a company in the event of an accident on an unmarked floor is tremendous and avoidable.

This article covers the various ways of striping a factory floor along with the pros and cons of each.  We also cover what the different colors mean.

The color of a line has a distinct meaning.  The chart below outlines what the different colors mean.

 5S Floor Marking Color System

Line Color  Used to Mark:
Yellow Aisle-ways, traffic lanes and work cells
White Equipment and fixtures (workstations, carts, floor stand displays, racks, etc,) not otherwise color coded
Blue, green and/or black Materials and components, including raw materials, work-in-progress and finished goods
Orange Materials or product held for inspection
Red Defects, scrap, rework and red tag areas
Red and white Areas to be kept clear for safety/compliance reasons (e.g. areas in front of electrical panels, fire fighting equipment and safety equipment such as eyewash stations, safety showers and first aid cabinets)
Black and white Areas to be kept clear for operational purposes (not related to safety and compliance)
Black and yellow Areas that may expose employees to special physical or health hazards (e.g. flammable or combustive material containers); Indicates that extra caution should be exercised when entering and working in the area

Ways of Creating Lines on Factory Floors

Solid color lines can be created using either paint, preformed thermoplastic or adhesive tapes.  Striped lines can be created with paint or thermo but they are more easily created using pre-striped adhesive tapes.  Remember, nothing sticks to wax, grease or dirt and nothing will stick to a wet floor.  A clean dry surface that has been stripped of all wax and grease is necessary for any striping to work.

If you prefer to use tape we carry a product called Tuff Mark.  It is an industrial floor striping tape that is extremely tough and has a very aggressive adhesive.  The tape comes in 2″, 3″ and 4″ widths.  The rolls are 54 feet long each.  We have red, yellow, black, white, green, blue, yellow/black and white/red. We carry the yellow and yellow/black rolls in 2 and 3 inches at  For other colors and widths you can contact us at 850-934-3157.  The advantage of using tape is ease of application. (no equipment needed)  Longevity is another advantage especially when using the Tuff Mark product.  Adhesive tapes work well on slick, smooth surfaces where paint often has a problem sticking. The main disadvantage of tape is the cost per linear foot.  You can click here for an image of the available colors.

Another tape that you can use is our aluminum based floor marking tape.  It is less expensive per linear foot than the Tuff Mark product.  It has the advantage of being conformable since it is aluminum and is also removable if necessary.  It can be damaged by fork lifts but is easily replaceable.  We carry 1″, 2″ and 4″ rolls of this product in yellow and white.  This product also works best on smooth surfaces but will conform if necessary.

 Painting floors is probably the most popular way to apply lines.  A paint striping machine like the ones we sell on this site work very well.  A striping machine can lay down a hundred feet of lines in just a matter of minutes.  The disadvantage of paint is that on a surface that is very slick it tends to want to flake back off.  This is because it was not able to truly grip the surface.  Grinding or scarifying the floor can correct this issue.  A striping machine will apply any color that you need.  The only thing it won’t do is put down striped lines.

Preformed Thermoplastic is another way to stripe floors.  This is a 90 mil thick product that is melted into a surface.  It is very tough and will last longer than any other form of striping.  In general, this product will only work on a surface that is porous. To test your surface just take a teaspoon of water and apply it to the cement.  If it soaks in immediately then preformed thermoplastic should work well.  If it sits on top then preformed will not work well.  As a general rule, if a surface is like a driveway it will be porous and will be compatible.  If it is like a garage floor it will be too slick. One thing to note is that scarifying of grinding the surface can will make it compatible in most cases.  Also, preformed thermoplastic works very well on all asphalt surfaces.

Note – Tapes are great on smooth surfaces where all of the tape can make contact with all of the surface.  Paints and thermoplastic work best on porous rougher surfaces where they have something to grab onto.  Tape will often work on surfaces that paint will not stick to and paint or thermoplastic will often work on surfaces that tape will not conform and stick to.

All of the products listed above have characteristics that make them the best choice given certain conditions.  A typical factory may use tape, paint, and preformed thermoplastic for the different areas in the plant.

– Trusco Trueline Model 20 Pump Up 4 Gallon Striper (Standard & Plus Models)

– Trusco Trueline Model 20 Pump Up 4 Gallon Striper (Standard and “PLUS” Model)

The Trueline Standard 4 gallon pump up striper is an easy to use factory floor, parking lot or field striper. We recommend this unit to our customers who want to stripe their own factory floors or parking lots and are on a budget. The Model 20 Paint / Parking Lot striper is very simple and virtually trouble free. The striper comes with a 4″ stripe box. To do wider lines you simply create multiple lines side by side. To use this machine you simply pour thinned paint through a strainer into the main paint tank and close the tank.  Then you pump to about 45-50 psi pressure and your are ready to stripe.  Just squeeze the paint lever and walk a normal speed.  Units are in stock for quick delivery. Order below online or call 850-934-3157.

Price – $1,105 plus shipping.  Click below to order the standard Model 20 Pump Up machine.

You can also order the “Model 20 PLUS” This model includes an air valve and a safety relief valve. (see picture at bottom of page)  This allows you to fill the machine with compressed air from an external tank or compressor.  The valve is just like the one on a car or bicycle tire. This gives you the option of either pumping by hand for air pressure or using an external air source. The relief valve keeps you from over pressurizing  the tank. There is a picture of the additional attachment at the bottom of this page. 

Price – $1,165 plus shipping. Click below to order the Model 20 PLUS with the additional air valve setup.

When you buy through us you will also receive our “Stripe-Calc” parking lot striping / sealcoating pricing program plus our marketing guide as well as technical and business assistance all at no cost to you.

  • Specifications:
  • Welded Angle Iron Steel Frame with 1/2″ solid steel axles.
  • 8″ x 1.75″, solid rubber tires.
  • Commercial quality Shut-off valve, spring loaded for instant control.
  • All steel parts have a baked on powder coating.
  • Alumininum hand control, stainless steel cable.
  • Guide line pointer, helps you stripe a perfect straight line.
  • 60 psi gauge to show amount of pressure in the tank.
  • Heavy gauge steel Spray Box, fixed width for precision lines.
  • 9″, 8 quart galvanized steel funnel with fine mesh nylon strainer bags.
  • Viscometer to measure paint thickness.
  • Inline check valve strainer/ made of stainless steel and brass. Catches any particles in the paint and also stops paint flow instantly at the spray tip.
  • Tip cleaning brush.
  • Brass and Stainless Steel Fittings.
  • Comes 98% assembled. Within 30 minutes you are ready to stripe!
Optional Air Fitting and Relief Valve

– Striping or Marking Concrete / Cement Factory or Warehouse Floors – Paint or Thermoplastic

OSHA and other regulatory agencies require that floors be marked for safety purposes. Striping or marking cement floors is always a challenge.  When using paint or thermoplastic there are a few issues that make the task problematic.  These are slick cement, curing compounds, grease and dirt.  The good news is that these issues can be corrected. If you choose to paint your floors or use a melt down thermoplastic then the first thing you would want to do is a water test.

Water Test – To see if your concrete is ready for paint or thermoplastic you can try this simple test.  Take a tablespoon of water and put in on the floor.  If it soaks in in just a few second then your floor is porous enough to accept a coating.  If it sits there for several minutes then paint or thermoplastic will not perform well since it cannot grab the surface or soak in.  Keep in mind that if water can’t soak in then the paint will not either.

If your cement does not soak up water you do have the option of using an adhesive tape. We carry a product called Tuff Mark that is made to work on slick surfaces as long as they are clean and dry.  It is very rugged and adheres very well.  If you choose paint then the steps below will help.  We have an article outlining the various ways to stripe factory cement floors at this link.

Problems –

First, warehouse and factory floors are generally smooth much like your garage or house foundation floor.  The finishing process that is used to smooth the cement to a slick finish closes the pores in the cement and prevents moisture from soaking into the floor like it would on say a driveway or other rougher cement surface.  The problem that this creates for striping is that the paint has little to grab and subsequently will begin to flake or chip off.  This problem is accelerated by forklift and equipment traffic.

Second, when cement is poured a curing compound is often used to help the concrete hold in moisture so that it cures slow and  gains proper strength.  This compound is present on the surface of the foundation and remains indefinitely.  The curing compound can prevent paint or thermoplastic from adhering to the surface.

Third, over time cement becomes dirty and greasy.  These types of surfaces tend to not hold paint well.

Solutions –

The problem of slick cement or curing compounds can be overcome via the use of a concrete grinder or scarifier.  These machines take off from 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch of cement.  This removes the top layer of the cement that would have the most curing compound in it and also roughs up the surface so that paint can grab it.  Running a grinder or scarifier over the areas where you want lines will increase paint and thermoplastic adhesion substantially.  After you scarify a strip for painting you can try the water test again.  At this point the water should soak in to the cement more quickly than before.

Dirty and greasy cement can be cleaned using a degreasing compound and a pressure washer.  You can also use a degreaser, a scrubber and a water hose.  Once the surface is clean just let it dry for a few days and then apply your paint.

– How the Trueline Striper Creates a Perfect Line

There are many paint stripers on the market. Some are very expensive and some are relatively inexpensive.  They all put some type of stripe on the ground using one of several methods.  Some are air atomized, some are airless, some use a spray can and some use a roller.

The Trueline striper by Trusco Manufacturing uses a very simple system to spray a sharp, perfect line.  The machines are low pressure airless machines meaning that only paint comes out of the tip.  This means you get a clean and crisp line instead of a fuzzy edged one.

When I first started using my Trueline paint striping machine I was amazed at how simple and rugged the machine was. I had seen the more expensive machines with the expensive high pressure pumps and large noisy engines and I thought that in order to put down a nice stripe you needed a machine that was loud, expensive to work on and very heavy.  When I put down my first line using the Trueline I realized that this simply was not true.  It is quiet, lightweight and almost maintenance free.  Also, my machine never had to go to the shop.  Even after using years of constant use.  If it needs anything I just do it myself.  It is very simple.  What amazes me most about the machine is that the line it puts out is thicker and crisper than machines costing thousands of dollars more.

Here is how the Trueline does this:

  1. First, thinned paint is poured into the main pressure tank through a funnel with a strainer in it to prevent unwanted particles from getting into the tank.  The paint is thinned so that the machines can more easily turn it into a spray.
  2. Second, the paint tank is pressurized with air or nitrogen or in some cases CO2. (different models have different methods of pressurization)  The pressure pushes down on the paint and forces it out of the tank via a hose and into a spray tip.
  3. Third, the spray tip puts out a flat, fan shaped spray.  This takes place inside of a spray box that slides along the ground.  The fan pattern spray hits the edge of the box about a quarter of an inch up the edge and is diverted downward.  This creates the clean edge that you see.  Because the stripe is created inside a spray box, wind has no effect on it.  Also, the spray box method creates a much thicker line than other striping machines.  This makes for a better quality job and a happier customer.

Note – the only adverse effect that thinning the paint has is a slightly longer dry time.  I have found that thinning adds an extra minute or two to a lines dry time which has never been an issue.

– Laying Out New Parking Lot Stripes, Lines, Arrows, Handicap, ADA Markings

In certain situations you will be called upon to lay out a new parking lot that has no lines.  Doing this requires pre-planning and knowledge of regulatory restrictions.  In other words there are some lines and symbols that are required by law.  Some lots will be part of a new construction project where plans are involved and others will be lots that for some reason just do not have stripes.   Some may have had stripes at one time but they are worn completely.  We will cover both types of lots.

For almost all new construction projects there will be a set of plans that will tell you exactly where to put all lines.  If you are in a situation like this all you need to do is mark where the lines will go and spray.    To mark the lines you will take an inverted spray can in a holder and mark dots where the lines begin and end.  This way you can go over the job BEFORE you spray and make sure everything is perfect.   You will need to find a benchmark which is something on the plans that you can locate and measure from.  This is often a curb.  Using a benchmark will assure that your lines are in the proper place.   Also, measuring from two or three spots is a good idea.  Measure out using the plans and begin marking where the lines start.  Then measure again and mark the other end of the lines.  For centerline on nose to nose parking you should be able to make two marks and pull a cord between them to make a straight line and then mark dots down the line.  For arrows you can just make a litte arrow with your spray wand to denote where the arrow will go and which direction it will point.   For angled spaces you would measure out all your center lines if it is nose to nose parking then mark where the parking line is going to cross.  Then you can take an angle tool and pull your parking lines.  If each space is 20 feet you would make a cord that was 40 feet long with a mark in the middle.  Pull it tight over the centerline, verify the angle, and mark dots down the line.  You can go into as much detail as you wish with the spray wand.  When you are done you can drive through the lot and try to park and pull out and turn, etc..   Make sure everything makes sense.  Go over it with the contractor if necessary and then when you are sure everything is correct begin spraying.

For unmarked lots with no plans you would do the same thing but you would have to do a sketch beforehand and get the owner to sign off on it.  You need to make sure there is sufficient room for cars to come in and park and back out and turn.  Don’t create a maze. Also, on angled spaces make sure they are wide enough.  When you angle a space the top and bottom widths have to be increased.  Otherwise you can easily create a lot full of motorcycle spaces.  As with the previous method, make sure to mark everything with paint dots and try to park yourself before striping.  Make sure the owner looks at how things will be laid out.  Once you are satisfied that everything is ok just set up your machine and spray.

Here are a couple of tips.  If you are using a water based paint then use a water based inverted spray so that the two are compatible.  For pulling long lines you can take an extension hose reel and put rope on it.  Pull out what you need, weight it down and fasten the other end.   You can click here to see our article on ADA and handicap marking requirement.

– Trusco Trueline Model 250N Nitrogen Powered Parking Lot Striper

– Trusco Trueline Model 250N Nitrogen Powered Parking Lot Striper

The Trueline 250 N and 350 N (nitrogen powered) 5 / 10 gallon stripers are easy to use paint stripers that can be used to stripe factory floors, parking lots or sports fields. The 250 N is a 5 gallon machine and is the more popular unit. The 350 N is the 10 gallon machine and is normally sold to companies who will be striping roads, airports or other large jobs. Both units are great for companies that have need to be able to stripe remotely where compressed air or power may not be readily available. One nitrogen tank will spray up to 100 gallons of paint which is enough for about 40,000 feet of 4″ striping. We recommend this unit to our commercial striping customers who stripe for a living and may be using the machine in multiple environments. It is a very low maintenance machine with almost no moving parts to break. Units are in stock for quick delivery. Order below online or call 850-934-3157.  Priced at $2,095 for the 5 gallon unit, and $2,595 for the 10 gallon.

When you buy through us you will receive our “Stripe-Calc” parking lot striping / sealcoating pricing program plus our marketing guide as well as technical and business assistance all at no cost to you.

The 250 N  and 350 N machines use nitrogen for pressure. There is a pressure regulator between the nitrogen tank and the paint tank. You set this regulator to the pressure you prefer and when you open the nitrogen tank valve it quickly pressurizes the paint tank and keeps it at a constant pressure. Nitrogen tanks and refills can be obtained at your local welding supply store. A refill is approximately $25. Since nitrogen is a completely neutral gas it will not dry paint or change the pH sensitive balance. It is safe and non flammable and makes up two thirds of the air we breathe.


  • Welded Angle Iron Steel Frame with 5/8″ solid steel axles.
  • 10″ pneumatic tires, heavy duty steel hub, steel ball bearing, load rating 100 lbs. each.
  • Commercial quality Shut-off valve, spring loaded for instant control.
  • Power Mixing Paddle for mixing the paint.
  • Regulator with dual guages. One shows the amount of Pressure in the Nitrogen Cylinder and the other for operating pressure.
  • Drain valve/hose makes clean-up a quick, clean job.
  • Box Lift Lever assembly raises and lowers spray box.
  • Heavy gauge steel Spray Box, fixed width for precision lines.
  • All steel parts have a baked on powder coating.
  • Aluminum hand control, stainless steel cable.
  • Guide line pointer, helps you stripe a perfect straight line.
  • 9″, 8 quart galvanized steel funnel with fine mesh nylon strainer bags.
  • Tank Brush to clean inside of paint tank.
  • Parking Brake locks wheels tight in rolling terrain.
  • Viscometer to measure paint thickness.
  • Extra Spray Tips for heavier coverage and faster production.
  • Tip cleaning brush.
  • Brass and Stainless Steel Fittings

Comes 98% assembled. Within 30 minutes you are ready to stripe!

– Trusco Trueline Model 250 or 350 BP Battery Powered Paint Striper

– Trusco Trueline Model 250 or 350 BP Battery Powered Paint Striper

The Trueline 250 BP and 350 BP (battery powered) 5 / 10 gallon stripers are easy to use machines that can be used to stripe factory floors, parking lots or fields. The 250 is a 5 gallon machine and is the more popular unit.  The 350 is the 10 gallon machine and is normally sold to companies who will be striping roads, airports or other large jobs.  Both units are great for companies that have need to be able to stripe remotely where compressed air or power may not be readily available. One charge on the battery will spray  up to 60 gallons of paint which is enough for about 24,000 feet of 4″ striping. We recommend this unit to our commercial striping customers who stripe for a living and may be using the machine in multiple environments. It is a very low maintenance machine with very few moving parts to break. Units are in stock for quick delivery. Order below online or call 850-934-3157. Priced at $2,545 for the 5 gallon unit, and $3,045 for the 10 gallon model.

When you buy through us you will receive our “Stripe-Calc” parking lot striping / sealcoating pricing program plus our marketing guide as well as technical and business assistance all at no cost to you.

Both the 250 and 350 BP have an amazing state of the art battery charging system.  All you need to do is plug it in and the charging unit will automatically keep the battery topped off and will shut down automatically to prevent over charging. The air pump is activated by a switch near the hand grips and only needs to be activated to add pressure to the tank.  The machine operates quietly when striping.  When you receive the unit you will first fill the battery with 2 1/2 quarts of battery acid which you can get at an auto parts store.  Then you simply charge, fill with paint and begin striping.


  • 12 Volt Dry Cell Deep Cycle battery (needs 2 1/2 quarts of battery acid for initial charging – may be purchased locally from any automotive or motorcycle store).
  • Welded Angle Iron Steel Frame with 5/8″ solid steel axles.
  • 10″ pneumatic tires, heavy duty steel hub, steel ball bearings, load rating 100 lbs. each.
  • Commercial quality Shut-off valve, spring loaded for instant control.
  • On/off switch mounted on top of handle.
  • 160 psi gauge makes it easy to maintain a constant operating pressure while striping.
  • Drain valve/hose makes clean-up a quick, clean job.
  • Box Lift Lever assembly raises and lowers spray box.
  • Heavy gauge steel Spray Box, fixed width for precision lines.
  • All steel parts have a baked on powder coating.
  • Aluminum hand control, stainless steel cable.
  • Guide line pointer, helps you stripe a perfect straight line.
  • 9″, 8 quart galvanized steel funnel with fine mesh nylon strainer bags.
  • Tank Brush to clean inside of paint tank.
  • Tip Cleaning Brush.
  • Parking Brake locks wheels tight in rolling terrain.
  • Viscometer to measure paint thickness.
  • Extra Spray Tips for heavier coverage and faster production.
  • Inline check valve strainer/ made of stainless steel and brass. Catches any particles in the paint and also stops paint flow instantly at the spray tip.
  • Brass and Stainless Steel Fittings.
  • Comes 98% assembled. Within 30 minutes you are ready to stripe!